Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tears today.

I have tears today.  Tears that want to flow and fill an ocean.  It just hit me all of a sudden that in 3 weeks I will once again pack up my life and leave the ones I love behind.  I will move to a place I do not know and start over.  For those of you that don't know us, that has been a large part of our lives.  Running from the Lord and seeking the things of the world had my husband restless and wandering and we have moved alot.  Twin Falls is the first place we have lived in this long.  It is home.  I became a grandma here.  I became a nurse here.  I found Jesus here and now it is time to leave.  This is the first time we have ever started over because God asked us to and I know there are so many people that do not understand.  Some of the tears come from that too.  Wish there were more hearts celebrating with us.  More hearts that understood and sent their blessings with us.  I know that it is not about man but our hearts don't always understand that.  I wish I had a church gathering around us to pray with us and wish us well but we are alone and will be celebrated by our friends in Cheyenne when we arrive. I have faith in God.  I do.  This is what we are suppose to be doing I just wish that it could be easier and less painful today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandee...

    You are not alone. Put all your trust and faith in Yahweh. HE will never leave us nor forsake us. When we obey HIM we cannot fail. Please keep me posted on your journey. If and when you have the chance please go to my blog. We are all servants trying to please our Father. Yahweh be with you. My blog is under Joan the Baptist if you google that title.

    In Yeshua,
